The Role of TMS Therapy in Mental Health Treatment

Depression is nothing to take lightly. While it’s easy to try to shrug it off as something you can overcome with sheer force of will, the truth is that depression is a serious medical condition, and anyone suffering should feel free to seek help.
In recent years, depression has become more widespread, and in response, healthcare providers are striving harder than ever to help provide relief.
One emerging treatment that has gained a lot of traction in recent years is TMS. Taking a minute to learn more about TMS could provide you with insights that lead to a lasting solution for what ails you. If you’re looking for something that can cure rather than just manage your depression, TMS is a real possibility.
What Is TMS?
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a noninvasive treatment that is designed to stimulate areas of the brain. It uses magnets to interact with nerve cells, creating the desired stimulation to help alleviate certain mental health challenges.
On the surface, this might sound potentially painful or give impressions of electric shocks, but that’s not the case at all. This is a clinically certified way to treat health issues with well-documented success rates. It is also a completely painless procedure.
While no mental health treatment is a magic bullet, TMS can be part of a holistic treatment course that delivers real results for patients.
How Does It Work?
The key to TMS is a concept known as magnetic induction. Electromagnets are placed on a patient’s head in locations specific to the treatment’s application (depending on which parts of the brain are to be stimulated). These magnets are actually electric coils that create magnetic fields when a current runs through them. The strength of the current can be controlled, which in turn controls the strength of the magnetic field.
Because neurons work using electromagnetic and electrochemical principles, the very cells inside of your brain can and do respond to this kind of magnetic stimulation. The magnetic field induces electrochemical activity in the brain, causing parts of the brain to light up as prescribed by the therapy.
This whole thing is done completely noninvasively — meaning that nothing has to penetrate into your body at all. The magnets sit still on your head. They do not cause pain or discomfort, though a small number of patients may experience headaches as a side effect.
How Does TMS Fit Into Mental Health Treatment?
TMS is a promising technique that can specifically help patients suffering from moderate to severe depression. In general, TMS is used in concert with other treatments to provide a broader approach, helping patients who may not receive enough relief from other treatments alone.
Stimulating the Brain
The key to TMS as a treatment for depression is found in magnetic stimulation of the brain. The magnetic induction can literally get regions of neurons to fire in response, effectively waking up parts of the brain that are too inactive during major depression.
While depression-related research is still ongoing, a leading working theory is that inactivity in certain regions of the brain is a cause rather than symptom of depression. By stimulating those areas, patients can see rapid and substantial relief from severe depression.
While no treatment is ideal for all patients, good candidates can see significant results within a few weeks.
Supplementing Prescriptions
As mentioned before, TMS is usually done in conjunction with other treatments. Those treatments can include prescription medications, therapy, and anything else that your doctor might recommend.
That’s the real key to TMS. It provides a direct treatment at the root of depression. Combined with these other therapeutics, it can help provide complete aid to patients.
A Holistic Approach
The last thing to remember is that TMS is often folded into holistic care. It’s not just another treatment that you get from the doctor. It fits into wider lifestyle changes. Changes in diet, activity, self-perception, and so much more can be part of this holistic approach.
TMS physically helps your brain, and the holistic care approach ensures that your brain is supported by a healthier you across the board.
TMS and More With Prime Behavioral Health
If TMS or any other treatment sounds promising, then consider a consultation with Prime Behavioral Health. We are deeply researched and practiced in all of the most modern and effective treatments for a wide range of mental health conditions and issues. We want to help you, and we’ll be happy to get started.
Contact us today. You or a loved one could be on a brighter path before you know it.