Why Can Anxiety Cause Chest Pain?
The world has changed a lot. Some of it has been gradual, like your teachers telling you that you won’t always have a calculator in your pocket, and now we…
Exercise and Anxiety
We’ve all heard how anxiety can be helped with proper diet and exercise. In fact, when most people go to see a therapist, one of the first things they recommend…
Common Side Effects of Depression Medications
Antidepressant medications are considered a first-line treatment for major depressive disorders, and for many people, they bring relief from many of depression’s most debilitating symptoms. Unfortunately, though, these medications can…
Common Alternative Treatments for Depression
Living with clinically diagnosed depression can be remarkably tough. And unfortunately, many antidepressant medications — which are considered a first-line course of treatment for depressive disorders — carry deleterious side…
TMS Therapy for Autism: Potential Benefits
Autism is a disorder with an extremely broad range of conditions and causes. Anything dealing with the human brain is very complicated, and new scientific data and research is coming…
How Does TMS Therapy Work?
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy is an innovative, FDA-approved treatment for people living with severe, clinically diagnosed depression. This noninvasive, nonpharmaceutical therapy is highly effective and often prescribed for people…
How to Deal With Anxiety
Anxiety is a natural stress response that produces feelings of worry, tension, or uneasiness. It can help you cope with challenging situations like speaking in front of people or giving…
What Causes Anxiety?
What causes anxiety? It’s a complicated question. If you feel anxious, your anxiety could have a lot of different causes, and treatment may vary. Let’s take a deeper look at…
How Does Stress Affect Your Health?
Have you ever felt stressed? You may understand what that phrase means, but in a technical, scientific way, do you really know what stress is? How does stress affect your…
What Are the Signs of Depression?
While many people tend to use the term depression to loosely describe intermittent periods of unhappiness, it’s so much more than that. Depression is far deeper than a feeling of…