Can You Treat ADHD Without Medication?
Many people assume that medication is the first and only treatment for ADHD, but that’s not always the case. ADHD manifests differently in everyone, and some individuals can manage their…
Why is My Depression Medicine No Longer Working?
Despite widespread efforts to remove stigma, depression is still one of the most misunderstood sources of disability in the world. Even with more than 260 million people across the globe…
How Does Social Media Affect Mental Health?
Global society is becoming more aware of mental health issues by the day. We talk about it more. We feel a little less stigma towards the topic, but despite that…
How to Treat Depression Without Medication
Depression affects an ever-increasing portion of the population. According to the latest data from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression. More than…
How Does Exercise Affect Your Mental Health?
Exercise is good for us. Health-giving exercise makes the heart pump faster and the lungs expand and contract, pushing more oxygen throughout the body, strengthening our bones, muscles, and support…
What Does TMS Therapy Feel Like?
With the rise of TMS therapy as a depressive disorder treatment, we’ve been helping answer questions regarding the procedure. For the most part, prospective patients want to know how it…
Becoming an Effective Advocate for Your Child
The Surgeon General of the United States reports that about 1 in every 5 children experiences significant symptoms of a psychiatric disorder. For most of those children, only about 1…